Oceanic routing
We assist sensitive convoys to ensure safety, prevent excessive fatigue and help with timely delivery. Our approach relies on seamanship first over numerical and artificial intelligence.
Offshore industry
Out of experience in offshore activities, we select, analyze and provide the most reliable weather data to assist in decision taking.
Extreme weather alerts
We track extreme climate events to help you stay out of trouble
Cargo Sailboats
We provide transoceanic assistance tailored for cargo sailboats.
Hindcast and statistics
These could help answer questions such as: "What is the best time period to plan my operation?", or "In January, on how many occasions do wave amplitudes typically fall below 1,0m?”, and "How many waves of extreme amplitude should this structure be able to withstand over 50 years?" etc.
Weather forecast
We provide detailed weather reports at specific locations and on-going oversight during sensitive operations